Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Baby steps...

Since I've lost weight, a lot of people ask me what I did to lose all that weight?  The problem is once I tell them..."working out and eating right"...I get "the look" from them.  Usually making sure that I didn't leave out some magic potion or big "secret" to losing weight.  This is the same look that I, myself, used to give to people who had success losing weight. 

What I discoverd is that it is not easy and that there were a lot of sacrifices that I had to make and ultimately the FULL lifestyle change that I needed to have in order to start achieving my goals.  I also discovered that this is not an overnight thing.  I could not drink some juice and wake up at my ideal weight.  I had to work for it, and what I mean by that is that I HAD to be willing to make a lifestyle change...

I had to change everything that I did when I was overweight and it is not easy, so I've worked to not be so hard on myself if I don't workout or if I eat more of and/or something that I shouldn't have eaten.  I had to tell myself that I have spent the last 30 years eating this way or not exercising all the time, and it was going to take time to change my behavior and my habits.  And trying to change everything at once, especially being as overweight and out of shape as I was WAY to much to do all at once. 

YES...I wanted to lose all of my weight NOW!  In my own experience making smaller changes overtime helped me develop lasting habits that I still do today and that have helped me succeed in my weight-loss journey.  Here are some things that I did to help me lose weight...

Baby Step 1 - I asked for realized that I really needed help. 

Baby Step 2 - I started eating right...out with the old and in with the new. 

Baby Step 3 - I eat cheat meals...this is very important - for a sound mind and body. 

Baby Step 4 - I exercise...moving my body farther than from the couch to the fridge was needed. 

It is simple but not easy...changing my lifestyle was hard and I struggled with it at first and some days I still struggle with it.  But over time it has become easier.  I bounce back faster when I don't workout or don't eat right.  The point is I kept moving forward.  There are ALWAYS going to be bumps in the road, setbacks and road blocks, but it's what you do next that shows your committment to your new lifestyle.  If I would have given up on myself when I first started because I "messed up" then I wouldn't be sitting here today 109 pounds lighter...I just got back up and did "the next right thing...", and so can you.  Just decide how you want to live your life today...

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